Sunday, 24 October 2010

Your airline's either got it or it hasn't...

TV ad campaign for Virgin Atlantic by RKCR/Y&R (quite like their website design too). This makes me want to fly with Virgin Atlantic, RKCR/Y&R have made it look really glamourous and they've had a lot of fun with it, I especially like the fork dancing! 

Friday, 22 October 2010

Type inspiration from Alison Carmichael

Currently doing a project designing a typographic tattoo, and found Alison Carmichael's work while doing my research, see her website here. I particularly like her Lloyd Grossman poster ads and the illustrative quality she brings to type.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Moving in...

Hello. I already have a blog with tumblr, but it doesn't show up in searches so I decided to switch to blogger. So here I am. 

First up, I came across this advert today for Canon Pixma, I think it's the most beautiful advert I have ever seen.

Canon | Pixma from Keith Kenniff on Vimeo.

It's directed by Christopher Hewitt for the agency Dentsu London, with photography by Linden Gledhill. You can see the making of it here. I think they really have managed to bring colour, and sound, to life. Stunning.