Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Good Morning World!

Promo for Fresh Milk, Loughborough University School of Art & Design Visual Communication degree shows at Loughborough and D&AD New Blood in London, edited by me.

Also take a look at our website and follow us on twitter @freshmilk2011

After a few stressful weeks we have finished designing the degree show catalogue and it has been sent to print, watch this space for some photos of the final catalogue. 

Currently doing a project designing an infographic to explain the key decisions in the design process behind the catalogue for assessment...only a week and half left of my degree. Oh. My. Gosh.

Also loving pinterest right now, virtual pinboard, just what I need. Although it makes me hungry everytime I go on it, loads of delicious looking food I want to try cooking this summer!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wim Crouwel at the Design Museum

I visited the Wim Crouwel exhibition at the Design Museum last week to get some layout inspiration for my current project (designing our degree show catalogue) and thoroughly enjoyed it. 

This was my favourite poster from the exhibition, it's a great idea with a strong layout and interesting and original angle.  

(GFK, Wim Crouwel, 1962 Image:

I also loved this type from the Jean Lucat Poster and how it looks like it's coming out of the background when you look at it from a distance, it's quite ghostly. 

(Jean Lurรงat, Wim Crouwel, 1959 Image:

Great exhibition, definitely worth a visit